
Nicotine Replacers as Quit Smoking Medication

One type of stop smoking product is a nicotine replacer, this medication does help a lot, in fact studies showed that using a stop smoking product will double your odds to quit smoking. Almost all the stop smoking products are over the counter and don’t require a prescription but it is advisable to ask for the doctor’s opinion or at least read the cautions on the label.

One of the most appreciated stop smoking product is the nicotine patch, it slowly releases an amount of nicotine into your body on a longer interval of time. There are patches designed for any kind of smoker so finding the right option is relatively easy in terms of choosing a stop smoking product. The bad thing with patches is that they can cause itching and irritations, they also may give insomnia or other sleep problems. To avoid night anxiety most patients remove the patch.

Another stop smoking product is the nicotine gum, it is usually made of “polacrilex”; this stop smoking product has the advantage of keeping your mouth busy while supplying the needed amount of nicotine into your blood. Nicotine gum is recommended by most doctors as a three-month treatment, and it has the normal side effects associated with stop smoking products. Then come the nicotine lozenges, they are much like a candy and each one melts in about 20 – 30 minutes. This stop smoking product is discreet and may be acquired without any medical prescription. As side effects associated with this stop smoking product we could mention nausea, hiccups and heartburns as the most commonly encountered. A general warning for both nicotine gum and nicotine lozenges is that they can get fixed on dental works so don’t use these products if you have dental problems.

Another appreciated stop smoking product is the nicotine inhaler, the good thing with this solution is that it can be used only when needed and it keeps both your mouth and hands busy. Don’t try inhaling the vapors into the lungs as they are absorbed rapidly in your mouth and throat. This stop smoking product can cause throat and mouth irritations or even coughing. The nicotine nasal spray is another highly popular stop smoking product as nicotine is very quickly absorbed by the body, this alternative works faster than any other. Nasal, sinus and throat problems can appear so use this product carefully.

The best stop smoking product is the one that suits you best, if you feel comfortable using a product and you actually see results in a short period of time then keep using it and get a healthier life style.

The Quit Smoking Medication

Quit smoking drugs, like quit smoking pills and other smoking cessation medication are not new, but since most of them are prescriptive quit smoking medication and some of them have quite many side effects, they are not as wide used as the nicotine replacers.